Jul 12, 2015

A summary of dplyr and data.table

In R, Both dplyr package and data.table package are powerful tools in manipulating data. dplyr is an enhanced version of plyr package, and data.table is becoming more and more popular in handling the large datasets. Several comparisons can be found online, all indicate that, when there are a small number of groups in the data, dplyr and data.table achieve comparable efficiency; when there are a large number of groups, data.table outperforms dplyr functions.

Here, I would like to give a quick summary of the commonly used functions for the two packages. My personal feeling is that I like dplyr better, because it's interface is more consistent and provide some convenience functions to manipulate columns to which I want to apply functions (I will talk about this in details later).

Select columns
Select columns by name
data = select(mtcars, mpg, cyl, disp, wt)

var_name = c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'wt')
data = select_ (mtcars, .dots = var_name)

data = select(mtcars, starts_with("m"))
data = select(mtcars, ends_with("t"))
data = select(mtcars, contains("s"))
# select columns starts with, ends with, or contains some keywords. This is the part I like dplyr slightly better. You can do such things in data.tables as well, but need a little more coding effort.
mtcars.dt = data.table(mtcars)
var_name = c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'wt')

data.dt = mtcars.dt[, .(mpg, cyl, disp, wt)]
data.dt = mtcars.dt[, var_name, with = F]
# with=F would allow you to do normal data.frame operations in data.tables.
Select columns by index
data = mtcars[, 2:5]
data.dt = mtcars.dt[, 2:5, with = F]
Derived columns

data = mutate(mtcars,
x = mpg/cyl,
mpg_new = x*cyl,
mpg_mean = mean(mpg)
# newly added one can be used in later calculation
data.dt = mtcars.dt[, x := mpg/cyl]
# add a new column called x

data.dt = mtcars.dt[, `:=`(x = mpg/cyl, mpg_mean = mean(mpg))][, mpg_new := x*cyl]
# add two new columns, and use chain operator add the third column
Select rows
Select rows by condition

Comments: select rows by condition in data.tables sometimes may not be straightforward
data = filter(mtcars, cyl==4, mpg>=30) # and relation
data = filter(mtcars, cyl==4 | mpg>=30) # or relation
data = filter(mtcars, cyl %in% c(4, 6))
data.dt = mtcars.dt[cyl==4 & mpg>=30]
data.dt = mtcars.dt[cyl==4 & vs==1]
# you don't have to put a commar for the second dimension

setkey(mtcars.dt, cyl, vs)
data.dt = mtcars.dt[list(4, 1)]
data.dt = mtcars.dt[.(4, 1)]
# yo have to use list to select rows with cyl==4 and vs==1; .() is the same as list()

data.dt = mtcars.dt[cyl %in% c(4,6)]
data.dt2 = mtcars.dt[J(c(4,6))]
# the same as above, cyl is either 4 or 6, use must use J() or .(). without that it will select the 4th and 6th row (see below)

data.dt = mtcars.dt[cyl %in% c(4,6) & vs==1]
# cyl is 4 or 6, and vs==1
data.dt2 = mtcars.dt[.(c(6,4), 1)]
# the same as above, .() is the same as J()
Select rows by index
# straightforward
data.dt = mtcars.dt[c(6,4)]
# the sixth and 4th row, NOT cyl== 4 or 6
Aggregation functions
Aggregate n values to 1 value
myfun = function(x,y) return(mean(x/y))

data = mtcars %>% group_by(vs) %>%
avg_mpg = mean(mpg),
avg_mpg_per_cyl = mean(mpg/cyl),
avg_mpg_per_cyl2 = myfun(mpg, cyl),
row_cnt = n()
myfun = function(x,y) return(mean(x/y))

data.dt = mtcars.dt[, list(
avg_mpg = mean(mpg),
avg_mpg_per_cyl = mean(mpg/cyl),
avg_mpg_per_cyl2 = myfun(mpg, cyl),
row_cnt = .N), by = "vs"]

# you have to use list() to wrap all the aggregation functions.
Window function (n values to n values)
data = mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>%
lag_mpg = lag(mpg),
mpg_rnk = min_rank(desc(mpg))
) %>% arrange(cyl, mpg)

var_name = c('mpg', 'cyl', 'disp', 'wt')

data = mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>%
mutate_each_(funs(lag), var_name) %>%
# apply 1 functions to multiple columns. this will replace the original column by the lag value.

data = mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>%
mutate_each_(funs(lag, mean), var_name) %>%arrange(cyl)

# apply 2 functions to multiple columns. this will CREATE additional columns for lag and mean, the origial column is also kept
mtcars.dt = data.table(mtcars)
setkey(mtcars.dt, cyl)
# you don't have to setkey before using 'by='

mtcars.dt = mtcars.dt[, mpg_lag := c(NA, mpg[-.N]), by = cyl]
# data.table way to write lag function

mtcars.dt = data.table(mtcars)
lag_var_name = paste(var_name, "_lag", sep="")
mtcars.dt = mtcars.dt[, (lag_var_name) := lapply(.SD, function(x){c(NA, x[-.N])}), by = cyl, .SDcols = var_name]
# you must use (lag_var_name) instead of lag_var_name. if you use lag_var_name := xxxx, it will create one column called "lag_var_name"
More general (n to m values)
# I don't think you have a direct way to do that. Use “mutate” or “summarise” function, the output has to have n or one variables respectively. You can write a function that returns one list, and dplyr will create a column, with each cell contains a list.

half_list = function(l, na.last = TRUE, ties.method = "first"){
    r = rank(l, na.last =na.last,
                  ties.method = ties.method)

data = mtcars %>% group_by(cyl) %>%
do(min.50pct.mpg = half_list(.$mpg)) %>%
mutate(list.len = length(min.50pct.mpg))
half_list = function(l, na.last = TRUE, ties.method = "first"){
    r = rank(l, na.last =na.last,
                  ties.method = ties.method)

data.dt = mtcars.dt[,
    .(min.50pct.mpg = half_list(mpg),
      max.50pct.mpg = -half_list(-mpg)),

# data.table is more "smart", it will merge the newly created list to the by-variables of the original data table. In the case that multiple lists are created, they must have the same length. Otherwise, it will repeat the shorter lists.

Jun 17, 2015

group_by() and grouped_df

package dplyr is really a must tool in manipulating data. It provide lots of functions close to traditional SQL. If you are a SQL person, you may like this package very much after getting familiar with these functions such as inner_join, left_join, semi_join, and anti_join.

group_by is another commonly used function in dplyr. Combining group_by with n_distinct(), n(), min(), max(), median(), would achieve the those group by functions in SQL.

One point worth to mention is that group_by() return a data type that is essentially a data frame (or data table, depending on your input) but behaves slightly different when combining with other dplyr functions. They are most likely to be grouped_df or grouped_dt. The difference is that when you apply a dplyr function to the grouped_df (or grouped_dt), the function applies to each group, i.e., within the group. For example, apply arrange() to a grouped_df would sort the rows within each group, instead of over the whole dataset. If you want to sort the whole dataset, you need to convert the grouped_df to a regular data frame, using ungroup().

You can find a good intro about dplyr here.